Our Objectives

To promote the education and professionalism of its members and to make available to the public technical and scientific information and knowledge.

The objectives of the Society are accomplished by:

  1. Advancing the theory and practices of gas engineering and the allied arts and sciences in the interest of the environment and conservation.
  2. Promoting the safe, efficient and ecologically compatible utilization of gas.
  3. Maintaining high standards of safety in the design of appliances and equipment and the utilization of gas technology.
  4. Promoting a broader understanding of industry challenges and requirements.
  5. Promoting standardization of terminology, techniques and laboratory testing methods.
  6. Encouraging research and innovation in the gas industry.
  7. Providing forums and media through which experiences and information of common interest and benefit to the Gas Industry may be reported, discussed and disseminated for the common good.
  8. Offering recognition to encourage meritorious technological contributions to the industry and participation in the Society.
  9. Encouraging students and young engineers to enter the Gas Industry.


The benefits from ASGE membership include the opportunity to share in the Society’s educational programs and constructive activities; to explore and advance related interests with fellow professionals; and to represent one’s company as a person responsive to progress and interest in the well-being of the Gas Industry.

Other benefits are the opportunity to express and relate new industry experiences; industry wide contacts and incentive to further one’s talent for leadership as a Committee Member or National Officer.

Special contribution to ASGE and noteworthy achievements are acknowledged by the Society with the publication of citations and presentation of Honor Plaques to either the individual or to a company.

GAS APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS comprise the majority of ASGE members. Manufacturers share information with others who design, develop and manufacture products. Globalization, changes in gas, and environmental concerns are some of the issues that demonstrate a real need to bring the industry together to re-think and re-shape the future of gas appliance.

CONTROL MANUFACTURERS work with appliance manufacturers to develop control solutions for modern gas applicances. They need access to information on changing regulations in order to develop products in a timely and efficient manner. Participation in ASGE offers access to the gas industry as a whole.

INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BUILDERS face all the issues of the gas appliance designer, but on a larger scale. Concerns regarding safety, performance and environmental issues are universal and participation in ASGE benefits this industry group as well.

CERTIFICATION AGENCIES assist the gas inudstry in regards to standards and certification. This is a key element of the gas appliance marketplace by ensuring public and regulatory acceptance of products. These agencies benefit from ASGE membership by interacting with the gas industry as a whole.

GAS UTILITIES have an opportunity to provide feedback to manufactures and to learn what to expect from the gas appliance designers of tomorrow by attending ASGE Technical Conference and providing input for technical articles on the ASGE website.